Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Going Home

June 8

Day 35
I don't think going home will ever get any easier. Especially with a teary-eyed 8 year old wanting us to stay and a screaming 2 year old saying she wanted to go see Gwamma and Gwampa and Aunt Hana...And Aunt Cassie and Ewin and Gweeeaaat Gwaaaamma all the way out of Portland. (For those of you who don't speak 2 year old jabber, that's Grandma, grandpa, aunt Hana, aunt Cassie, Erin and Great Grandma) As a side tracking mechanism we stopped at Multnomah Falls and it brought back the memories of my trips there as a kid and seeing it everytime we drove past on the way to and from Oregon. Fun times! Brooke loved it but was a little upset that she couldn't play in it like she could at the waterfall at Manito Park ! But she enjoyed it all the same!



ANS said...

That view is breath taking!

Cassandra Violet said...

I haven't been past there in a million years! I love Multnomah Falls.