Monday, July 13, 2009

Harry Potter

Sunday, July 12th

Day 69
I finally finished the Twilight books (for the 3rd time since about January) and decided that since there's a new Harry Potter movie coming out, I would go ahead and reread all of the series. I know I wont get this done before the movie comes out but I always read anyways, so why not?

I had 5 out of the 7 books earlier this year when Glenn and I bought the 5 existing movies for Brookelyn, so we decided to buy the other 2 to complete the set. I ended up with 3 that were bought for me and my sister, one that my grandma bought me (when she bought me and my sister one because she didn't want to listen to us argue over who got to read it first!), and the 7th one I bought the day it came out while I was working at walmart.

So here's the first of the 7 that I've started reading.

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