Thursday, July 16, 2009

Walking and talking to my new neighbors!

Tuesday, July 14th

Day 71
Today I decided I was going to walk all the way down to the end of the road we live on to take a couple pictures of the pretty waterfalls. (Man made little waterfalls, but Brooke loves them none the less!) So I was on my way to take the pictures before heading to the gym when I noticed a MUCH smaller waterfall that was MUCH closer! What actually caught my eye was this neat looking building and then I noticed the little pond and pretty flowers. So I stopped to take pictures and then started to walk back to the gym.
Some older lady stopped me and asked if I was taking a picture of the flowers. I said yes and then she asked me where I lived so I told her 'This apartment complex over here" (Which is HUGE so that was vague enough for me). She said "OH ME TOO!! I live in E404 and I grow flowers, you should come take pictures of my flowers!" I politely told her that, actually I have a picture blog and I take photos just about everything, not just flowers & for my blog mostly. She then started going on and on about all the flowers she has and how fantastic they are etc etc and then she was like "So remember, apartment E402."

Hahah OK....she definitely reminded me of my old neighbors!! I should have taken her picture!!

day 69