Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Summer Project Part 3

Monday, July 6th

Day 63
The paint seemed dry so Glenn drug Brooke's dresser inside and to her room. We reassembled the drawers and put her dress up trunk back on top of it, but something just didn't look right! I couldn't (and still can't) put my finger on it but we decided to use the wall stickers I'd bought from the dollar store for her walls and we stuck them all over the dresser. I'm still looking for handles or things to glue on the handles and I think I'm going to get a few more sheets of stickers (one more for the dresser and a few for the walls!)

In comparison, I didn't do a fantastic job, but it's way better than it used to be!! Summer Project Part I (click!)

Oh, and you can't see in the picture but the inside I just put shelf liner in!
Day 60


Cassandra Violet said...

Maybe you should paint the handles pink or white.

Heather said...

Well, actually what I'm going to do is either A buy new handles. Or B. Glue some type of butterfly or flower to them. I dont want to buy a whole new thing of paint for just the handles.

Cassandra Violet said...

They sell little itty bitty cans of paint, just for just purposes.