Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Sunday, July 5th

Day 62
Oops. so Sunday, in the middle of the night to a huge storm. The rain was pouring down and I woke up in an absolute panic hoping that the newly painted dresser wasn't getting rained on. I looked out the back door and the sheet of rain that was hitting the cars below looked way cool, so I ran back to my computer desk to grab my camera. I grabbed my camera and realized I hadn't taken any pictures that day. Oops! So I was glad to be awake in the middle of the night and yes it was probably technically the 6th but I have no way of knowing what time it was now anyways cause my camera date is way ahead of the real date.

Anyways, I go out and tried to take a couple pictures with no luck. It was rather disappointing and I thought I would just go to bed and write about how sometimes we just forget and that's how it goes. So I went to close the kids' windows so the wind and rain wouldn't wake them up and Nolan heard me come in and half smiled for me in his sleep.

Day 59

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