Sunday, May 17, 2009

Torch Light Parade

Yesterday we had some friends, Sarah and Brian come to Spokane from Colville to visit and have dinner. We went shopping and then started barbecuing and afterward their daughter, Caylie (7 months), was just being SO cute I had to set her up and take some pictures of her and of course the lighting was all wrong and at first there was really bad shadows so we moved her to the other couch and tried again. She is so adorable! Oh, and Brian let me use his big, super expensive camera! I kept forgetting to let it auto focus though. But it was still fun!!

We also went to the parade but I couldn't get a decent picture of pretty much ANYTHING that was actually in the parade because my camera sucks in the dark. If I use night mode, everything's all blurry and using regular mode wouldn't catch anything..I did get a couple that I could lighten with photoshop, but it was nothing really post worthy! I got ALOT of pictures of my family though! And one decent picture of a fire truck!!

Day 12

1 comment:

ANS said...

I like how the flash is reflecting! Cool pic.