Saturday, May 23, 2009


May 22, 2009

Day 18
Today Nolan experimented with using a spoon. He didn't actually ever put the spoon to his mouth, he just basically dumped spaghetti oh's all over the high chair and made a huge mess LOL.

We went to my dad's house today because my Grandpa Harry, Grandma Carol (they're not together, but no it's not awkward LOL), Uncle Kevin, and Aunt Kathy are visiting from Hermiston Oregon! Today was my grandma's birthday (Yes, I was polite and didn't ask her how old she is now!) And the sun was shining today and it was just beautiful so we let the kids play around in the yard before dinner and while the sun was out! The kids played shy with the new people at Grandma and Grandpa's Jeppsen's house, but that's pretty normal for them!

Nolan's digging the little toy they have in their yard. (Which is actually ours but we're not aloud to have toys here so, at least they get to play with it SOMEWHERE!) He likes to try to climb up the slide and play peek a boo in the holes!

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