Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Living Situations

Day 16.
I wont live in this cheap, breaking down apartment forever. Someday, I'll live in a nice house with a yard, and a washer and dryer. Jealous people will come over and say I pay too much, or have horrible neighbors, or should have moved to a different town. I know that no one will really unhappy for me, but no one will be completely happy for me and say I made a good decision. But that's OK because I'll look back on a time when I lived in the most inexpensive 2 bedroom apartment I could find. It came complete with a manager who never took, nor returned my phone calls, takes two or more weeks to actually fix something major in our apartment, (And usually we realize it was never really fixed at all!)

I wont forget our smelly but generally nice next door neighbor, and their dog that I can hear breathing through the wall at night. And the lady who parks next to us and gave us a dresser for Nolan that is 87 or so years old.

I'll remember every single annoying neighbor that lived above me. Starting with the girls who partied all night and cried to their friends about how sorry she was for sleeping with her boyfriend the next day, even though it wasn't really her fault while she threw all their garbage and cigarette butts in the lawn and on our porch. Everyday I had to clean it up so my kids could play outside, even though we aren't aloud to have any type of toys, balls, small swimming pools or anything in our lawn.

I'll look back on the people who live above me now...because the lady has a mustache and goatee and the man yaps our ears off the second we walk out the front door. And they sound like a heard of elephants when they walk across the floor. And I'm really afraid if they get in the tub at the same time as me with that leaking problem that their tub will fall on top of me and squash me to death.

I'll remember the punks that live all the way upstairs that opened his front door and got mad at me for slamming my car door too loud at 11:00 AM. How dare I...after he partied his little heart out till 6 that morning!

And lets not mention the nosy couple that stares at us, and probably everyone else in the apartment complex when we drive or walk in. Or the the guy with the lazy eye that smokes outside my bedroom window in the summer and the annoying lady with the scrunchies and the pants pulled up above her belly button and her jean jackets. (We think they were having an affair but who knows cause he was "going back to his wife".)

But I'll also remember introducing Silas to his new toddler bed, bringing home Brookelyn from the hospital, Silas' 2nd birthday, crying over Brookelyn's first birthday, preparing to bring Nolan into our growing family, bringing Nolan home, crying over Brookelyn's first trip to Oregon with out mommy and daddy, and then her 2nd birthday, watching marathons of Harry Potter and Little Mermaid. The play dough that stuck to the kitchen floor, and the gum that never came out of the carpet in the hallway. And most of all watching the kids grow and teaching them every step of the way.

We may not move out today, probably not even tomorrow. But soon we'll have a house with a yard for more space and most importantly new memories. And even though I say I hate this's been our home. I wont be sorry to leave it, no...don't get me wrong. Not one bit, will I be sorry to leave it. But I will take our memories...and put them in the baby books and photo albums.

Hopefully soon I can post pictures, for you, of a new house and a new life!


ANS said...

Ah the joys of apartment living :) Love this post!

Andrea said...

You're so talented. You're ability to convey emotion is really special and unique. I'm a little older than you and as a result just one stage ahead as far as living arrangments. You have no idea, how vividly I remember feeling exactly as you do now. Trust me when you finally get that first house it will be even more wonderful than you imagined it would be:-) Like you, we worked so hard and waited so long...I hope it happens soon for you.