Sunday, May 31, 2009

Birthday Day!

Day 27
Today was LuLu's (sometimes also known as Kaylani) birthday. She turned the big 3 today and we just love her! So we went and they played with chalk and played in the pool and had a barbecue and watched her open presents. Your typical birthday party. I was really happy Kenzie invited us and it seemed like Lu had a great birthday!

We had to leave early because we had a dinner planned for the birthday's that Grammy and Grampy would be gone for! Nolan got a new book and some plastic rings! He was pretty excited and screamed at me till I got it all the way out of the package! We also had fun playing badmitton and croquet. I've never played croquet but I just don't have the patience for it. Or I didn't tonight at least and towards the end people started hucking balls across the yard and flinging the little fences. That was my cue to be done!! But it was tons of fun (even with out a net for badmitton-haha)

Here's Brookelyn in her par-tay outfit!
Party Outfit!!


Cassandra Violet said...

She's adorable. That dress looks great.

ANS said...

Lovely dress and beautiful girl!